With over 25 years of law enforcement experience, Minerva Torres Shelton will bring that experience and passion for service to El Paso County’s Sheriff Office and to the people of El Paso County. In 1997, Minerva began her law enforcement career with the El Paso Police Department. But, after September 11, 2001, she joined the FBI. During her twenty-one years in the FBI, Minerva gained valuable experience in leading investigations on violent crimes, human trafficking, counterterrorism matters, gangs, trafficking of drugs, and the Joint Terrorism Task Force. She ended her career as a field supervisor in the FBI’s El Paso field office. But, Minerva’s journey for justice began when she was nine years old.
I’ll never forget my father’s hushed conversation with my mother at the kitchen table. Being a curious nine-year-old, I listened at a distance, but the pain and worry in my father’s voice compelled me to lean in closer. That evening I felt something I had never felt before—indignation—because my father was wrongfully accused of owing his boss money. Unfortunately, my father lost the case and had to pay money that he never owed, money that as a former migrant worker, was very difficult to come by.
This one incident awakened something inside of me and as a young woman fueled a lifelong pursuit of justice for the innocent, for those that most need protection, children, youth, women, disabled, —for every citizen.
I’ve had the distinct privilege of serving my country when I enlisted in the U.S. Army, then served my community when I was in the El Paso Police Department, and then served on a greater scale when I became an agent for the FBI. I have learned many things throughout my years of public service in all these amazing organizations—but I never forgot something I learned back in my childhood. To lean in and listen to the voices of the innocent. To look into the eyes of those who are being exploited, particularly the youth who are being lured into lifestyles they never thought they would be caught up in. Yes, throughout the years, I learned to see the bigger picture, but I have also been able to see beyond, to the heart of the problem.
I love El Paso, this is my city, my home. As I have lived and served in this community, I have been able to see the problems that have plagued this city for years. However, I have a firm belief that as your Sheriff, the beautiful people of El Paso and I can make a powerful team to create a promising community for future generations. With my unmatched experience and your vote, we will bring that same passion that has driven me to the Sheriff’s Department of El Paso.